New Features in 6.7.0

Smart Ticket

Smart Ticket is a new mobile-friendly web app. With the help of this application the customers can take a ticket number on their smart phone without paper ticket. They can continuously follow the estimated waiting time and the position in the queue. After the transaction they can submit feedback about the administration.

For more information about Smart Ticket feature, please check our documentation.

To use this new feature, please contact our sales department.

Changes history

All modifications are logged on the Administration site. This way one can follow which modification had been made by which user and at what time.

Please note, this is an experimental feature, some changes will not appear correctly, yet.


  • [Fix] Fixed redirected zero task ticket issue.


  • [Fix] Card reader page saving issue fixed.


  • [Fix] Refresh interval of SH46 Web zone changed from minutes to seconds.
  • [New] Add Kuwait CivilID card reader (experimental)
  • [Fix] Use the branch default language on CF04 to display questionnaire when feedback profile doesn't contain the user's selected language.


  • [New] API (/qnet6/rest/branch/waitingInfo/{wsID}) added to get the current waiting information to show in the SH46 scroll zone.
  • [New] API (/qnet6/rest/broadcaster/ready) added to check if the server is started & ready (for load balancer in cluster architecture)