

  • [Fix] Voice recording mp3 upload issue fixed in case of Master-Slave architecture


  • [Fix] Live tickets & Counter statuses monitoring data transfer issue fixed in case of Master-Slave architecture
  • [Fix] Long overday clerk session calculation fixed.
  • [Fix] Efficiency rate #2 calculation changed (passive idle time removed)
  • [Fix] Custom data headers fixed in exported PDF & Excel files.


  • [New] Fixed headers in matrix pages.

Migration guide

After the successful system update, an issue will appear on the Dashboard of the Monitoring page. On the Counter activities module the Status column will show Invalid event type(60) and the Last event column will be empty in the Current tickets module.

1. The issue can be resolved easily. Click on the cog icon on the top right of the module.

2. Click on the Save button and the problem is solved.

3. Click on the cog icon on the top right corner.

4. Click on the checkbox next to the Status row and save the module.