New Software Keyboard module (SH59)

The SH59 is a new version of the software keyboard provided by Q-net. 

It’s a modern designed and more reliable software keyboard based on a new Counter REST API. The new UI fully responsive, so you can use it on your desktop or tablet or phone.

Desktop view

Mobile view

Tablet view

The new SH59 site is available: http://your-qms-server:3000/qnet6/counter

Also introducing a new v2 Counter REST API soon. 

Documentation of SH59:

The previous SH48 site is also available still on http://your-qms-server:3000/qnet6/counter.xhtml

Please note this new module is experimental. It may contain bugs or missing features. We are constantly working on improving it. If you find any bugs, please report them on the support channel.

New server-branch relation handling

In the previous versions, if a branch has been assigned to a server and back to the previous, it would cause duplicated data in the statistics. As of 6.9.0, the server-branch relation changed and improved to avoid duplications and data loss.

However, the changes affect the master and slave servers. It means at upgrading you should upgrade the master and all slave servers at the same time.

Other changes


  • [Fix] Fixing the "Close ticket" rule reaction.


  • [Fix] Fixing the duplicated ticket issue in Statistics when the ticket event contains a "clerk event" error.
  • [Fix] Fixing the language of the scheduled exporter statistics report.


  • [Fix] Disabling the "Call" button on the software keyboard (SH48) while the clerk is in status in case of force auto-call.
  • [Fix] Fixing "Waiting time" calculations on the software keyboard (SH48)


  • [Fix] Fixing the "clerk" value in "getWaitingTickets" response. It contained the redirected counter ID instead of the user ID.