You have to create the configuration.json file with the following parameters:

    "port": 80,
    "serverURL": "http://localhost:3000",
    "vapidPublicKey": null,
    "vapidPrivateKey": null,
    "accessLog": true,
    "pushTTL": 10

The .json file should be next to the qnet-smart-ticket-proxy.exe

Run the qnet-smart-ticket-proxy.exe from CMD, so you can track the process, which is generating the "vapidPublicKey" and "vapidPrivateKey". Copy them into the .json file so it should look something like this:

    "port": 80,
    "serverURL": "",
    "vapidPublicKey": "BKt4e2BnxeASjQaY4M3OPOGeY0yCPSvRS74Ne8uME_CrDBSMUrKZ0VmTDQeGpZOBKH2jtcKSafd0viLOjycq9Vc",
    "vapidPrivateKey": "vNZi7yVwc6ICj_8Pv1P-gxUTPFNMdls1IXxmwmwKbT0",
    "pushTTL": 10,
    "accessLog": true

Now you can start the  qnet-smart-ticket-proxy.exe .